Points to consider while getting your kitchen designed

That’s the SEO (Search engine optimisation) title I chose to pick to upload this blog under that would supposedly drive traffic!

i gotchu

But now readers you have landed here, let us drive back through our memory lane and remind ourselves how our paati’s cooked food. I remember my sister requesting to plan a kitchen so that she could sit and cook just like how our paatima used to . Sitting with legs stretched near the clay stove or chula with all the necessary items beside her and enjoy her cooking. Even the memory of it gives relaxation running in my leg nerves. I as a designer used to think since when did we opt for standing and cooking. One is the space constraint and then is the accessibility to the modular kitchen ideas in the current days. I’ll make a post on the bizarre number of hinges and fittings available in the market especially for kitchen (Okay! that is another post added to the other 15986 number of posts waiting !)

Unless another design concept arrives that takes care of the storage options and accessibility better, we know we are stuck with modular kitchen. Doubt me? Well! many would have heard of Chat GPT AI churning contents in the whip of a text entered right ?.

obama giphy

Technology advancement is proportionate to human needs and our creativity is what I believe. For now, shall we dive deeper into ways thinking of optimising the kitchen space  available .

First and foremost to address is who is the main user?

  • Their comfortable height to work on the counter top, to reach the mid level cabinets . We tend to stitch suits to our sizes that is going to wear out in couple of months but neglect tailoring the interiors to our ergonomics.
  • Whether they are left handed or right handed
  • How is their current kitchen organisation which they are already used to (Where are the spoons and ladles stored, daily usable utensils like cooker, frying pan , cutter, dosa kal where they have stored and so on. Does the existing situation hold good or they need improvement ( I bet that all would vote with a big yes here . I hear you !)

(Remember good design adapts to your or enhances your work flow)

  • How big or small are their storage containers which do they frequently use.Normally in south indian homes anjaraipetti or spice bottles like manjal, milagu, seeeragam, uppu, milagaipodi is an essential thing and its always to good to have them at hands reach from the stove/ hob.
  • Provision for gas cylinder (one in use and for one store)
  • Provision for rice storage in sacks or dedicated steel drums/containers- do they want rice storage in pull out customised steel containers or just stored as sacks / circular drums available at local stores
  • If water purifier is needed, see to that its accessible to the enddd ( a growing kid) user as well.
  • Kindly decide upon and select the model of the appliances that will be in your kitchen like the water purifier, chimney, hob/stove, OTG, microwave oven, grinder, mixer, dishwasher, refrigerator (All these define the number of socket and their positioning.) Also preference of traditional elements like aatangal, ammi if you want it to embed in the counter, the type of sink – this again is user based – normally a single large bowl or a bowl with drain board is preferred.

I believe there is no one such as a bad or poor organiser,

you are perfect you are great

its just that they haven’t come in contact with organisation techniques suitable and convenient for them. For instance I’m someone who would keep on washing hands off while I am in the kitchen. This calls for dedicated towel hangers in base cabinets to wipe off the wetness. Such miniscule details or behaviours if paid attention to in the start of the design will aid in achieving the final output truly customised and personalised to you. Oh! And as the societal conditioning terms you ll be a better organiser! How does that ring in your ears? Feeling better now? And if you are already an organised one, well! is there anything under the sky that needs no improvement? Think about it!

this is so organized jolie jenkins

If these points are all on the storage side, be aware of the materials available in the market now. In heavy rain laden area it is suggested to go with Boiling water Proof ply for the entire kitchen ( depends on the budgest as this would cost to 130 /sft against the MR grade ply which would roughly range between 70 to 80/sft) . Under sink counters should be dealt with extra care for the water pipes may maaayyyy tend to create a problem. Suggestible alternatives over ply are granite / ferrocement partitions (though the later doesn’t take screws well – which means accessories such as detergent pull outs should be avoided) only where the sink counter is there. For shutters though High Density High Moisture Resistance HDHMR shutters are preferred owing to their moisture resistance and high screw holding capacity with less undulated surface for the laminate finishes you are going to opt for . Other finishes include acrylic laminates, lacquered glass which are on the higher end and is not resistant to stains.

Also entire kitchen (the carcass or the inner partitions + outer shutters) can also be fabricated in stainless steel or aluminium completely avoiding ply. Such options also exists.

Personalised architecture and interior solutions celebrate you and your life style. Imagine you being the hero of the play and rest of the tools and stage is adjusted for you to be truly conveniently yourself !


Phewww! That is nothing less to the emotion  WOW!!!! Isnt it?

minions despicableme

We as designers can’t help the chaos that is brought about in your life by other people (People can just be people!), but when it comes to objects and other things around you, Men and Women we have got your back! And we all shall agree to the fact that our surrounding has an influence on our thoughts, emotions, productivity, happiness and overall well being.

All because you deserve better!

Smiling Leo Perfect GIF

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