Blog posts

Building elevation / facade design – What Are we trying to express or convey or… settle with?

நீங்க பண்ணதுலயே Bestah இருக்கணும்! யார் இந்த house front elevation பண்ணதுன்னு கேக்கணும்! Brick workலேயே முடிச்சிடணும்ங்க Simple and bestah பண்ணி தாங்க! Oh! and this —>கொஞ்சம் fastah வேணும்ங்க! Building second floor slab முடிச்சாச்சு! That’s how we are approached mostly by home owners seeking advice for elevation designs. While some architects have a debatable point that elevation alone cannot …

Building elevation / facade design – What Are we trying to express or convey or… settle with? Read More »

In search of Best Architects and Best Interior designers near me in Coimbatore

When people normally look for a one time or a recurring service , general practice is to search in Google as one located close to them mainly for convenience sake. This applies to professional services as well. Normally people tend to type in as “architects near me” or “interior designers near me” to look for …

In search of Best Architects and Best Interior designers near me in Coimbatore Read More »

Details in Design

I came across a meme in Instagram recently. And that kindled me to write this post. As the above picture says are we losing out on details in the design ?(Well! there are no pictures above. Wish I could post the picture here for your reference, sadly I am unable to find the pic. If …

Details in Design Read More »

Knowing is winning half the battle

There is festive season ahead of us (ஆமாங்க புது வருஷமே இன்னும் புறக்கல அதுக்குள்ள I see  பொங்கலுக்கு ஆனா விளம்பரங்கள் ) and there are Pothy’s Chennai Silks ads up on the hoardings, live on TVs , poured into our ears via aired radio programmes  and more. Photo by Artem Beliaikin on Unsplash We plan to buy new …

Knowing is winning half the battle Read More »

Tribute to Manohar Devadoss Sir!

I vividly remember waiting to get his book autographed in my college auditorium. His presence brought about a different aura amidst us students, then. His humble and smiling figure made me wonder how could he manage to do all things that were given in his felicitation speech. We were in the initial years of college …

Tribute to Manohar Devadoss Sir! Read More »

Our first Recognition

Joyful to share that we have been recognized as the Promising and Rising Architecture and Interior design firm of the year 2022,Tamil Nadu and identified as the  Top 25 Emerging and Trendsetter Women Architect & Designer India , 2022  at Taj West End,Bangalore by @beginup_com Awards. Out first such recognition and we owe it to …

Our first Recognition Read More »