Does hiring shop / retail interior designer matter?

      Attention Shop / Retail outlet owners!

       I am going to take you to shopping. Wish we hear this way too often in real life from our dear ones! But hey! I have at least tried to recreate the shopping experience in words here.

       Every seller is a consumer himself in one way or other and had to think so.This blog post takes you on a ride along the same line.

   Case 1: While browsing randomly google algorithm points out to the T shirt or the baby product online page you
had been browsing to buy since last week. Tempted by the graphics in the ad you are swept into their online page. Sale offers, new trends stylist suggestions welcome you and you promptly check in each platter you are offered at, click after click. A call from your kid or neighbour the shopping experience gets interrupted. And lo! When you are back at desk or your mobile, you realise there are ton other things that need your immediate attention and adding items to the cart to buy can wait. Shopping suspended for the moment!


Case 2 : While driving along your most commonly taken route you notice a new shop with beautifully dressedmannequins in the same T shirt that you had been eying for since long through glass windows. Once, twice and the third time you set your eyes on them. The next time the difference is you are in the shop behind the window feeling the T-shirt material with your hands, your eyes scanning the neat stitches,helped by the store associate. Right from the shops frontage design, the big chandlier decor light and other varied lighting creating different moods, the display racks coated with rose gold paint, oh! and the comfy lounge seating, with mirrors to quick check your pick on you, the brand associates at your service all are there to treat you like a king /queen awaiting your arrival – every element of the shop entices you to spend a little longer, go around the shop and view other items, after which you obediently trial fit your picked outfits.

IMV Digital Products Retail Store dongqi Architects
IMV Digital Products Retail Store - Dongqi Architects

  Basked by the ambience and your personal one to one interaction with the products and the sales person, more than satisfactorily you walk out of the store with an experience that would linger in your mind longer than your time at the store. (P.S. Even if you are interrupted by a call this time, you know better where your attention is more. This time the person on the call can wait!

Uchronia Studio Sonia Rykiel Pop Up Paris Photo Felix Dol Maillot Yellowtrace 06
Sonia Rykiel Pop up in Paris by Uchronia.S
So Studio LOOKNOW Wuhan Flagship Experiential Retail Photo Wen Studio Yellowtrace 07
SND Concept Store by Various Associates

Most can relate, right? How often once we walk in a retail store we end up purchasing more than what we have actually planned for. While online sales experience is just a click away from disconnecting from the customer, a retail store experience is polar opposite to it. Right from one’s eyes sets on the window of the shop ,until one walks out of the store, the time spent is qualitatively and quantitatively more than connecting to the same customer via online.

Still doubtful? FACTS DON’T LIE ! Check out the following reports and articles

But over the last 12 months, we’ve seen many of those direct-to-consumer, online-only darlings doing the very thing analysts and industry experts advocated against: opening a brick-and-mortar store. What’s more, for many of those DTC brands, the investment in a physical presence has paid off.
state of consumer behavior 11
Appealing experiences remain the primary driver of in-store shopping.
 The largest segment of respondents—27.6%—cited the allure of in-store experiences as their primary reason for shopping in stores.
Experiential Retailing — Customers are looking for a Unique, Fulfilling Shopping Experience..
This is why Steve Jobs spent so much of his time and smarts on designing Perfect physical stores for his brand.
Concept stores and showrooms let retailers showcase their brand culture by creating immersive experiences and long-lasting impressions. In this manner, a physical store offers brands better opportunities to stand out from the competition, which is more challenging for online stores.
when the world’s largest e-commerce platform, Amazon, begins opening Brick and Mortar stores, it’s apparent the move has many merits.
Mietis Store Evvo Retail. Image © Nerea Garro
Mietis Store - Evvo Retail. Image © Nerea Garro
SND Concept Store Various Associates
SND Concept Store -Various Associates
MATE Flagship Store by Spacon X1
MATE Flagship Store by Spacon & X

Retail shop interior designers can help you in creating enticing spaces to attract your target audiences. Timelines and budget also play a a competent role in getting to realise the showroom interiors.

Google search of shop / showroom interior designer near me would bring you a list. Have a talk with the designer to know whether they are keeping up with the market trend in visual merchandising, knowledge about the new materials and its applications, local vendors from whom it can be sourced from, good execution team and above all their portfolio of previously designed shops/ showrooms/ retail outlets.

Check out the retail space designed by Studio AJ Architects here.

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